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Advantages of Using Stock Music Products Title Graphic.
There are Lots of Good Reasons ...

Leased production music, also commonly known as stock music, is a less expensive alternative to the use of popular or well known music in a production, since it is not necessary to obtain specific permission or pay additional clearance fees for the use of a song that has instant recognition.

Production music provides an easily licensed alternative for scoring productions and adding music to films, videos, radio or television programs and commercials, CD-ROMs, DVDs, multimedia, Web sites, training and marketing presentations, on hold messages, musical recordings, interactive programs, computer games, audio-visual or computer generated displays and programs or presentations that incorporate streaming audio.

Most production music libraries provide various music licensing options that are designed to meet the needs of large and small production companies alike, working in both the broadcast and non-broadcast industries.

Production music is readily available and is written and recorded specifically for use in audio and audio-visual productions. It is conveniently delivered on compact disc, on hard drive, or online via download, and its use for synchronization or dubbing is quite cost-effective. There is little administrative work required by the user to obtain the appropriate license, and there are other advantages and features of production music that can make your production work run more smoothly.

Production music is also a much less expensive alternative to the use of originally scored or custom composed music, and it is considerably more cost effective than using popular music in a production.

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